Moving floor trucks eliminate tipping

The latest addition to the Hanson transport fleet is an articulated trailer that doesn’t tip. The load is discharged by a series of sweeping rams which push the material out of the truck. All the traditional risks for associated with tipping articulated trucks - high winds, uneven ground or overhead trees and cables – are eliminated. And the trailers are perfect for sites in tunnels or underpasses.

The moving floor trailers carry the same 27.25 tonne payload as regular vehicles and feature triple body insulation and remote wireless operation with manual override. “They really are revolutionary as – other than their size – tippers have changed very little over the years,” said Tim Sage, Hanson’s regional transport manager. “We invested £2.8 million in 14 trailers in 2014 and have a further 50 on order.”

He said interest from customers had been high with one local authority postponing a contract start date so they could have a moving floor trailer available for deliveries. “They complement our traditional fleet and, with many contracts now specifying non-tipping vehicles for health and safety reasons, they are becoming more and more popular.”